-Pete Seeger
What in the world is new with you? Have you any stories to tell? Anything will do. I'm not picky. It helps to know that life goes on outside of my silly, little bubble and the TV news.
What's new with me? My AOL software began registering the count of my un-read e-mails, but not showing me what I hadn't read. That is to say I had collected two hundred and twelve e-mails but when I opened my box, I saw one or two. All of the e-mails that get generated when one of you wonderful people stop by here...they were mysteriously not here.
I found them. I found them when I decided to open AOL Mail in IE. Imagine that. There they were. 15 messages from here and an ENORMOUS amount of junk-mail. Pics of the kids. Messages from grand-dad. Lots of stuff all holed up somewhere in cyberspace. That's my story.
Secondly, (please note the previous post) my boss's appendix did NOT heal. She went back to the doc on 4/19 and had her appendix removed on 4/20. It is not an easy surgery, regardless of her being sent home mere hours post-op. (It's "outpatient" surgery thank you Insurance Companies of America.) She phoned me the next day just bawling because she couldn't understand why she couldn't WALK! She lives alone, save the 5 dogs she cares for. Insane - our medical society. Someone might have told her she wouldn't be able to walk for a couple of days.
Way back in 1992, when I had a similar surgery, I was hospitalized for an entire week after. Crazy, I tell you.
She's healing now and I expect her back at work next Monday-ish.
(My whining, self-pitying inner-self points out that my boss has worked 3 of the last 9 weeks. I did not know I was getting into this. I've had NO assistance at all. Last week I started asking the higher-ups when they were planning to hire me an admin!!)
Anyhoooo - that's my story.
Oh, and the hubby has a horrible sinus infection that I think he's being kind enough to share with me. What a sweetie, huh? I love him. Hope he feels better soon. Don't be surprised if I call in sick once that boss of mine gets back to work.
Also, the in-laws got themselves a webcam. It's nice to see North Carolina on occasion. It's odd how intrusive webcams can be.
We got one too (had to reciprocate). I aim it at the outdoors and the kitties. Muuahaha.
That's my story.
Thanks for all of your well-wishes. Thanks for popping by to check in on me. Thanks for 10pms, happy days and happy weekends and for not forgetting me. I love you all dearly. I'd hug every one of your necks if I could. Aw heck, I already am. :)
Wishing you all the best always, of course.