Sometimes I do a Google search for inspiration. I think it's important that we know that Googling the words "Thursday Morning" will provide you with a picture of:

I don't know why.
So, a quick status of the world from my eyes out:
Work is ok but iffy. We might have a year before the office closes, or a month. No one knows except the people who bought us. They're all "hush-hush". I try not to worry. I just want to get through December. (I said that last year and it didn't really work out.)
"If we make it through December, we'll be fine." (if we don't....?)
Hubby's got a bum elbow and he's looking for doctorism. I hope he finds it and the thing gets better.
Hubby's Dad is doing treatments for bladder cancer. This sucks entirely.
Bob Barker is "retiring". (translated to "dying") I so wish he were just retiring. That makes me sad. He should have some life without work.
My sister's baby girl is due in January. My cousin just announced that he and his gal are expecting too. YAY!
Mom's ok but these months are hard for her. She's stronger than we ever gave her credit for...just for getting this far. I worry all the time.
My best friend is looking to me for hope. I'm trying. Maybe I'm doing ok finding hope, although the loss of her daughter is just now starting to hit home with me. I think I'm big on delayed reactions.
I guess that's it. Nothing else.
Gotta do Christmas shopping soon. Waited til the last minute again.
Happy Thursday all.
Don't worry so much, Agnes :hugs: Things always have a way of solving themselves in the end and most of it we cannot affect anyways.
I hope that your sisters baby girl will spark some light for all of you in January however. That sounds like one big Christmas gift :D And then your cousin above that. So much new life to look forward too :D
Take care of yourself and have a good Thursday - with or without Chewbacca ;)
Ugh - the most depressing thing on that list was ..... you guessed it... CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! I can't go there yet. This isn't last minute BTW -LOL!
Hope you are able to have a nice weekend in spite of all the crap flying around these days.
I think I'm going to take the boat out on the lake today. Just ease out onto the mirror smooth surface and admire the beautiful colors of fall along the peaceful quiet shore. I have room for another, if you would like to go with me. :-)
Not quite equal, but you've got some balancing happening here, Aggie, some bad, some good. The scales will start tipping in your favour soon, ups always come after downs. Hugs, x
thursday morning... chewbacca... thursday morning... chewbacca... thursday morning... chewbacca...
i dont see the connection.
I can only send warm thoughts and hugs and pray for you...
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