Birthdate: 7/21/07
Mother: Hewlett Packard
Father: Compaq Presario
Adopted by the Agnes family for the sum of $4,795.02. (ok, not really. It was a lot cheaper...but the cost of the headache......)
Windows Vista, I do not recommend. It does not play well with printers. There is very little software, in fact, that it does play well with and no one has bothered to make new software for it. Games bail out the moment they are introduced. It loses drives left and right. It really isn't a very polite child at all.
I will say this for it, the little Vista bot is a networking fool. It searches out every pc and laptop within spitting distance....but I think it only wants to take all the toys from the other computers.
Our little VistaBot is a baaaaaad kid.

Happy Monday all.