Ok...I didn't take THAT job, although I did see an ad in the paper for scoopers. Ack!
Friday marked the end of my jalapeno & green chile customer service days. It was a bittersweet good-bye. I'd only worked there two years but it was a small company and everyone was so close. We all knew the latest and greatest news in each other's lives. Due to the events of the last year, I found (quite to my surprise) that I had a lot emotionally tied to that daily tedium. Ah well. C'est la vie. Que sera sera.
They sent me away with flowers and a cake and even bought lunch. Boy, we don't know how good we've got it until it's buying you lunch, do we?
And then I had a weekend to empty out the old and prep for the new.......
The first day was as one would expect. Employment paperwork, lots of people telling me how wonderful the company is, lots more people being busy and wishing I wasn't sitting behind them.
The good news is that I'm not shocked, confused or surprised by their daily business. It's all very common and normal and makes complete sense to me. I'll be in like Flynn....just as soon as the new network administrator figures out his job. hah.
The company sells promotional products. This basically means I will surf catalogs for pens, pocket protectors, and protractors that companies can slap a logo on and hand out for the general public to lose in the bottom of their purses and briefcases. It's lucrative, apparently. :) I'll play along. It's not complicated and I'll learn a thing or two.
It's like shopping for gifts with someone else's money. Who doesn't like that??? Weeee.
Thanks all for the back pats and ego strokes. I am thankful for every one.
I'll try to update as the days go on.
The only drawback to the new employment is regular hours - 8 to 5. This cuts into my blogging time. (6:30a-7:30a) when I had a 9 to 6 job. Rats.
I'll work it out somehow. If I start typing the dialog from some evening show, you'll know I'm trying to multitask.
Love and hugs to all.