Sunday, January 07, 2007

Monday 1-8-2007 The Job Interview

Monday morning, 8am. Two months of looking and I've finally scored "THE JOB INTERVIEW". Don't you hate those? It's always a hideous schmoozefest. You go into it absolutely sure you're going to be sitting across from this guy:

...who'll be judging your every action while you try desperately not to snicker or stare at his hairpiece. OMG.

Ok, that's just silly. I'm qualified. OVER-qualified, if I do say so myself. I look pretty good. I have a very nice outfit - all pressed and ready. I have a copy o' my re-su-me and a copy of an award I won once for outstanding service. I'm good. He can't possibly turn me down. I mean, if Miss USA can have a boozefest AND a second chance, I'm golden, right??

Everybody cross everything and wish me luck. All I really want is for this company to answer the question "How much does the position pay?" with "Well, it pays an enormous sum of money! You'll be set for life." Is that too much to ask?

Hugs and love all Monday long.


Trée said...

All the best to you Aggie. I'll be crossing all my fingers and all my toes and perhaps a little something more too. Godspeed and Good Luck!

Autumn Storm said...

May fortune smile down upon you and grant you what you wish! GOOD LUCK!!

Christa said...

Let me know when I can stop crossing my eyes, Agnes. It's difficult to read and type this way ya know ;)

Seriously, I wish you all the luck in the world. Over-qualified is nothing strange in our age...and it can be just as annoying as the opposite.