She smiled. I know it was gas. She's very gassy. haha Doesn't matter does it? Smiling infant ranks up there on the top of the list of "great things to see". :)
Sleepy baby.

Big brother hasn't really figured out his place in all this. He's hoarding attention. Why doesn't the world revolve around him anymore?? Very confusing when you're only 3.
His daddy is teaching him, "Don't mess with my sister or I'll give you a knuckle sandwich." Nice, huh? lol All in fun.
To help out - and to remind Riley that he's still special - his parents bought him a Superman outfit. ("Oh, give me a red cape, I wanna be Superman" ~ John Mayer '83) Riley spent the evening running around and looking behind him to see if the cape was flying. I was lucky enough to catch that on camera:

No worries little boy. You will always be Superman to me. :)
Now I'm home in frozen-over Dallas. The roads are iced up and everyone is bumping into one another. Me...I'm watching from the couch.
Everyone bundle up and stay warm.
Hugs and love.
They're so adorable when they're babies :D And I can imagine that her big brother is confused. Having a baby sister is confusing all the way through
I hope you're doing good and be careful on those icy roads. don't have icy you? I mean normally?
:-) So precious! Both of them - I'm rather envious actually, no littl'uns in our pack, none that we see anywhere near often enough anyway.
Superman, :-D, too, too cute!
Happy Tuesday, love and hugs, x
LOL Christa - "all the way through life" that explains so much about my brother...he has two baby sisters!
Glad there's no ice your way. We get one good freeze every year. It's usually ice. Hardly ever snow. This time it hasn't been too bad. Less than an inch of ice. We've had 3-4 inches in the past. Can't drive on that!! Temp here has been steady at 26 degrees farenhiet (sp??) Brrrr.
Autumn, you're quite welcome to live vicariously through my blog. It's not quite the same though. The blog never has that "new baby smell". LOL
*You'll always be superman to me...* Awe, you made me catch my voice in my throat reading that. What a beautiful Auntish thing to say :-D Lovely new child to see, and sweet cute little boy boy to play with too. That cape pictures is priceless. Ah - new baby breath smell... nothing like it anywhere but coming fresh from the babe. You stay warm now, you hear?
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