Sunday was a wasted day. Did nothing at all.

Painted the blogwalls a bit but don't know if I really care for the outcome. Think I want a do-over. Even had a fractal-blah day. Couldn't get my mojo working. Ah well. No complaints. The hubby had exactly the same kind of day. I guess we're allowed to blow one off every now and again.
Of course, it goes completely against everything in my brain right now. My thoughts are more along the line of "don't waste a single moment" and "life is too short for butt-on-couch days".
That was the entire theme of the Queen Latifa movie. My personal critique (move over Ebert) is that the movie is very "rentable". Which means, "don't spend the rediculous sum of money that the theater charges just to see it." It was a nice date-movie kind of thing. I'll give that it had a few very good tear-jerker moments....but that was probably just me.
***SO***Since my mind is saying "don't waste" and "love your family and friends and make them feel loved" I have this very important thing to add.
I spent the 4+hrs with my best friend listening to her story about the nasty arguement she had with her daughter. Of course Momma Bear thinks she's entirely right. Baby Bear (20yrs old and 4.0 in pre-law) thinks Momma Bear doesn't love her when she yells. She also, of course, thinks she's completely right.
Now I used to get in the middle of these things. Counsel, if you will. It's my nature.
I can see both sides. I am the objective one. (A trait from my father who negotiated many a heated arguement between my mother and I in my youth).
This time.........this time all I could do is sigh and say "I just think it's sad that the two of you are fighting when you only have 4 months left before she goes out of state."
What I'm thinking is "she could die in a car wreck tonight and wouldn't you wish you weren't
right then?"
Dr. Phil's voice in my head "Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?"
Pick happy please.
I just kept repeating "Does it really matter? Is it all that important?"
It wasn't a trivial arguement. Momma Bear is mostly right...but in the grand scheme of things, it just isn't important to fight about it. Momma Bear wants Baby Bear to be more considerate of Momma Bear (who does everything for her). Momma Bear wants Baby Bear to "GROW UP!"
And I say, "Momma Bear, the only thing that will ever make her "GROW UP" is experience. All the screaming you ever do will not change her. She simply has to learn on her own."
I can fight as hard as the next person. I can hold a grudge for years.
But if you have an arguement with someone you love, for crissakes, let them off the hook - let yourself off the hook - and end it with "I love you."
In case they step in front of a bus.
Have a GOOD Monday all. XOXOXO