Monday, January 23, 2006

1-23-06 To Monday or not to Monday

Sick Day Excuse Generator

Top Ten Excuses for Calling in Sick on Mondays

Am I sick? Well, define "sick". Does "miserable" count as a sickness? I'll ask the doc when I go to see him.
The problem here is that I ran out of meds that make me sleep. I thought, "Enough time has passed. I shouldn't need a pill to get to sleep." Boy was I wrong.
So I'm about 48hrs without much more than a cat nap. (Why do they call it cat naps? My cat sleeps all freakin day! I WISH I could sleep that well.)

Anyway - so sorry but screw Monday. I'm ripping it off the calendar. Today simply isn't going to happen. Ya'll feel free to stay home too. I've just officially called Monday off. Go back to bed. We'll all feel better tomorrow. Flirty 2

Didn't have a real fractal-productive weekend either. Lack of focus I guess.
I did like this one though. This is my little Buddha guy in his little Buddha hut. It's simple but seems very peaceful to me.

Have a good Monday all.
Blowing A Kiss


Christa said...

Happy Monday, Agnes :D
And get yourself some more pills. It's nothing I normally recommend, but sleeping is healing...and you need that I think :)

Agnes said...

Good morning Christa! :)
I'm not one for pills either. That's why I let myself run out. I suppose the staying awake could be an effect of the pills wearing off...but I really don't care so much now.
I just want one month's supply. Just let me have 30 more days. :)

I hope you're doing well...and getting some sleep.
The doors of that shed you photographed have been calling me. Maybe I'll doodle at them today.

Also - I stopped by your site and how the heck have I missed so much in two days?? Dang you've been busy. LOL Maybe today I'll play catch-up.

Christa said... worries, Agnes. My blog will still be there...that is unless there will be any major changes or outburst around here.

If those doors are calling you, you'd be only a few yards from where I live...which means that you need to let me know when you'd show up so I can get the coffee pot Or maybe tea? Or a drink? Either way...wouldn't it be neat if we could beam ourselves just about everywhere we wanted to go? Humm.....

Have a good day :D

Agnes said...

Oh Christa - how I would love to find myself standing in front of your door. Knock-knock...let's have that drink.
We'll sit at the table and look out the window at the pheasants.
We'll pull out some sketchpads and pencils. Throw those pencils out all over the table and doodle at each other.
Put on some moody music in the background and we'll laugh or cry - whatever hits us.
Yes. Beam me right up!

Christa said...

That would be something eh?
As for the pheasants I haven't seen them in a few days. I bought them some more peanuts the other day, and now they're gone :(
The neighbors were shooting the other day and I just hope they didn't put my pets on their dinner tables *sigh* I couldn't stand that.

And yeah...I'm all for the laughing/crying bit right now. Life could be a lot easier...that wouldn't hurt at all, would it?

Agnes said...

Let's just believe the shooting scared the pheasants off. That's all. Smart pheasants got the f**k outta Dodge. :)

Life could be a lot easier...
That wouldn't hurt a bit. How do we get on the train to "easier"? I'll buy a ticket for both of us.

Christa said...

Believe me, if I knew that train station or airport I would've been threre a looooooooong time ago.
You'll be the first to know if/when I find it :)

Lindsey said...

You're not alone. Today is one of those days where I would have been better off staying home. :0(

Trée said...

Hey baby, no not you Linny, anything I can do? See you in 40.

Autumn Storm said...

Some days just need to be struck from the record, you are within your rights to do that, its rule number 78 section 12 or something similar under the titel 'F*** it'

...hope you have a happier Tuesday.
Much love, hugs too.

Abigail S. said...

Amen about Mondays!
And yeah, you should try to get more sleeping pills. Sleep doesn't fix all problems... but it DOES give you the strength to face what's going on.

Agnes said...

Well I tried to tell you all to stay in bed. Next time....just follow along and we'll all be fine. LOL

I dunno Tracey...I kinda like "heel" better. When they ask me at work if I'm feeling better I'll say "I feel like heeeel". ;)
Sorry your Monday crapped out too.

Linny, same for you. Don't you hate days when you think it's all gonna be good...and then you get there and you go "WHAT was I thinking??" I hope the evening turned out better for you.

Trée, the moon was so bright and beautiful last night. Just at tiny sliver and the north star lighting up the sky. :)

Autumn...I've gotta get a copy of that particular record book. I'm betting the whole chapter under the title "F** it" is a nice long one. ;)

I'm going to the doc today. Unfortunately, I'm going to work too. Turns out I have a fever (not that kind of fever Trée) so I must be sickly which explains a lot.
Maybe I'll spread it all over the office. Think I'll practice my hacking cough. ;)~