Is it wrong to gather my coping skills from fiction? Maybe we all do. Maybe it's all just fiction. (Deep Thoughts)
Trée - I bought a copy of the book "Tuesday's With Morrie". I don't know how ready I am to dive in so I'm reading it three paragraphs at a time. I think that's a nice pace. ;)
Hugs to all of you. I'm going to try surfing your blogs for a bit.

Aggie, that is perhaps the best book you could be reading right now. Thinking of you my sweet sexy woman.
Long time no see Ehh.
well you have to remeber everyone goes through this in there own way, and with the medi influnce now days and how so many people wish to take a break from reality your way just might be to get your motivation and strengthes from movies and tv. how ever you do it is up to you just remember that your will never forget.
I would recommend "Tuesdays with Morrie" more than anything right now, Agnes. There will be things you recognize and others you don't...and all of them might give you some comfort. The miracles we call life and death are both a part of nature and no one could explain it better than the main character Morrie Schwartz.
As for borrowing lines and thoughts from fiction, I think we all do now and then. That's how we relate to fiction just as reality.
Oh...and an iPAQ is a PDA devide..or a handheld computer. It's in the size of a calculator from the 70's and it has a screen that is about 240x320 pixels. It's pretty good, but not the best thing to use for surfing and trying to make comments in Blogger ;)
I've hijacked Robins desktop for a moment :D
Great fractle you have there btw :hugs:
That is one amazing fractal, Agnes, the shape and the contrast of that purple against the rest. Beautiful!
Thinking of you, sweetheart, x
i see absolutely nothing wrong with taking comfort in quotes and such from movies, books, anything.
whatever helps you is Real-- not fiction.
Above all else, give yourself time. This wretched loss will continue to make itself felt for a very long time, although I'm happy to say that to my relief it faded from being so intensely "on" all the time to a more bearable "sometimes". There is no hurrying the grief, nor trying to "be okay" and channel the feelings to an easier plane - it will happen no matter what you do. Be gentle with yourself.
I've heard that "Tuesdays with Murrie" is pretty good. Maybe I'll check it out one day.
3 para's at a time sounds like a good pace.
Trée dear, your very words always seem to make me think of better things. I love that about you.
Fishy ol pal. So good to see you. I think you're right. Hmm - new psychaitry. "Fiction is better than sedatives." We could start a cult. We'll have to pick some really good books and movies. ;)
Christa - I think you all will have to suffer through Morrie quotes for a while. LOL Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe that's what Morrie wanted.
I understand there's a out there. I don't think I'm quite ready.
As for PDA's - I had one once. I gave it back. LOL Ick. Small screens. You'll go blind. ;)
Autumn - you're going to laugh. I spent 30 minutes trying to get rid of that little purple streak. haha
I guess it served its purpose. ;)
Becky - "whatever helps you is Real" I think you are spot-on. Thanks.
Trace - ALWAYS glad to see you here. I'm hoping the book is helpful but the first chapter has already been too real.
I'm making a lot of notes in the borders. Maybe I'll get it all out of my system and then lock that book away for a few years. :/
Terry - you always seem to write exactly what my heart is feeling. It worries me a bit know you know this so very well.
"Channel the feelings to an easier plane" THAT is probably the most profound perspective I've heard.
I suspect I will do exactly that in time.
Abigail - 3 para's at a time may be all I can stand. It does seem a good read regardless. It came to me via karmic forces so I have to believe it's good. (I'll explain next post)
Love to all of you. Take a moment and look at someone you love...and think of why you love them.
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