Monday, December 19, 2005


Something Softer

Oh God, if you're out there can ya hear me?
I know that we've never talked before.
Oh GOD, the man I love is leaving.
Won't you take him when he comes to your door?

But now you're sleeping peaceful,
I lie awake and pray
that you'll be strong tomorrow
and we'll see another day,
and we will praise it,
and love the light
that brings a smile
across your face.

Back to this.
The 5 stages of grief.
-Denial -skipped this.
-done it
-found out last night that I'm doing this. "Oh God, anything you want! Just give him back to us. Give him back to her."
-Depression -done it
-Acceptance - WILL NOT DO THIS.

Damn, I didn't want a "downer" post this morning.
Sorry 'bout that. It sneaked up on me.
How about laughing at me because I JUST realized there are only 6 days left before Christmas. ACK!


Agnes said...

Thanks. The frac sorta moved me. Peaceful - like Norther Lights must be.

6 days. Yeah! Holy crap!
What are you making for your Mom? Do you have to knit faster??

Thanks for thoughts and prayers, as always. Me too.
I hope you're well - even if you're not on that beach just yet. :)

Uneventful! THAT would be a blessed Monday.

(Sara M. Hold on, hold on to yourself. This is gonna hurt like hell.)

Becky L said...

i hate those stupid stages.

makes a person feel more like a stereotype than someone going thru real issues, having real emotions.

tsduff said...

Aggie, your post moved me to tears - been through those stages so soon ago that it catapulted me back to read your lyrics. Your fractal is so soothing, lovely colors and softening edges...

Agnes said...

Terry, so very sorry hon. Didn't mean to drag through it. :(
I can't get that song out of my head.

Becky, I never thought of it like that. I've gone back to that list of stages over and over and over in my life. It seems to give me some kind of comfort and sense of control. Like I know what to expect and I know I'm not just losing my mind.

Of course, we all grieve all things differently.

Autumn Storm said...

Great big bear hugs, Agnes.
Stunning frac! - wow.

Trée said...

Soft is good. In fact, soft is very, very good. :-)

Agnes said...

Yes. Soft is very, very, very good. :)

Trée said...

But hard can be good too. Very hard can even be better. :-)