Monday, December 12, 2005


I have no words today.
Suffice it to say that I did NOT have a pleasant weekend without drama. I am full of self-pity and anger and hurt....and it's starting to piss me off.
I really should know by now, when things look bleak they can still get much much worse.

However, in blessings, my father is (once again) home. He seems to be doing "better". He is no longer on oxygen and he promises to exercise every day to build his strength. My mother is motivating him with the threat of re-hospitalization if he doesn't do as he's told.

I have really got to start clawing my way to the brighter side of life. That's possible, right? It's all perspective isn't it?


Agnes said...

FYI - I finally got around to responding to all of your comments on the last post. :)

Hugs and love and hope and prayers and happy thoughts to each and every one of you!!! God I love you guys. While this world is cracking apart, you're all still right here. Man, thanks for that.
Zing Tao Baby!

Christa said...

There's always light in the end of the tunnel, Agnes :hugs:
Hang in there and don't lose faith in yourself...and most of all, don't let the anger take over.

Trée said...

Aggie, incredible fractal! I have no advice. I'm here if you need me. Drop me an email if I can be of help in any way whatsoever. Love, hugs and kisses.

Autumn Storm said...

Beautiful fractal, Agnes.
Good news re: dad.
Hope plenty more comes your way very soon, about that time and you deserve it so.
Much love and hugs, xxx

Agnes said...

Ok...I really have to lighten up. I promise to start looking for light, even if I can't find the f*#king doorknob in the dark. :)~

Thanks all for being so supportive.

tsduff said...

Agnes, you won't feel like this forever - I promise it will change. In the meantime, know that I am thinking about you and you are in my prayers.

I'm glad to hear about your Dad - thank goodness for small miracles.
Hugs OOO

Lindsey said...

Oh will get better. I'm still hanging out a bit on the dark side too. We can hang out over here until we're both ready to move on to happier things.