Wednesday, December 07, 2005

12-7-05 Time limits

Apophysis doesn't render well unless you do the big 2hr render thing. Unfortunately, that's not really an option for me as the hubby and I share the one PC.
Eh what the heck. We get what we get and it ain't so bad, all things considered.

Also, my blogging, for the most part consists of one hour in the early morning. That's the time after my hubby leaves for his job until I have to shower for work. (Eww, I blog unshowered. Did you know this? Is that TMI?)

Evenings are spent between phone calls, tv shows, hubby's internet time and the nightly bedtime routine (which keeps getting longer as we get older, huh?)
I've kicked my insomnia thanks to some wonderful coping prescriptions. Otherwise I'd blog all night. :)

So anyway, I'm not saying that you guys are the least bit inconvenient. I'm saying that I am. :)
Did y'all know that I go in every morning and respond to your comments from yesterday? We are getting a routine going. :)

On average, how much time do you guys spend blogging each day? (Maybe I'm doing it wrong. LOL)


Christa said...

LOL...I would probably do my blogging/reading from bed in the morning if the my wi-fi worked. Then you'd all be in my IPaq ;)

And I spend most part of my day at the screen (unfortunately), so I'm all over the place whenever I get a chance :p Then again, there are days like it's been lately when I'm too busy even if I'm at the screen and I miss a day or so. That happens too.

Have a great day, Agnes :hugs:

Autumn Storm said...

Well, I've fitted most of it into my usual 'me' time, i.e. 1 hour in the morning, where I have my coffee - the rest of the time, again like you it fits in between everything else.
lol, in fact, I'll log on someone's blog, read, think of something else I need to do like fill the washing machine, come back write a comment and so on...
...definitely addicted :o)

Good to hear you are sleeping better!

tsduff said...

Hi Agnes (Tell me, how are you called by friends? Agnes, Aggie?)

I like this picture! It is bold, exuberant, stepping out and powerful. Is that how you are feeling today? You sound brighter :-)

How much time blogging? Impossible to say. It is like Autumn said... definitely addicted! I have the computer on all day at work, and I take little moments between projects to check in with everybody. Sort of like smoking breaks - LOL, for a non-smoker. When my Sweetheart is home, I never get online on the weekends, as they are precious time I cherish to be with him. When he is gone I do spend more time on the computer visiting, singing the "lonely blues".

Still quit?

Agnes said...

Ahhh....I feel much better knowing that we're all looking for our moments to share.

Autumn, you and I are working the same schedule then. I do the same, do the dishes, come back when I can and comment when I can.

Christa and Tracey, I am INSANELY jealous of your ability (when it's working) to blog from the bed. Oh what I wouldn't give. LOL
As for the insomnia, the cure seems to have been Wellbutrin - which I've been taking to quit smoking and to cope with these past two weeks of stress. Also, I'll swear by Lunesta for the hard days. Christa, I wonder if Lunesta might get you past that awful random pain of yours?

I do miss my insomnia a bit sometimes....but now is a time to remain as unconscious as possible. We'll talk someday about my addiction to ESCAPISM.

Terry, Agnes or Aggie. Either is fine. Agnes Mitchell is a nickname...a sign of love between family members and I. Mother Theresa's birthname too. You may call me anything you like. :)
(I sneak the occasional blog-read at work too. hee hee)

Oh, and yes - still mostly. I had a bad relapse after the loss of my beloved kitty. I'm doing much better and rarely smoke now. But I have a few hard moments and take a hit or two from the hubby.
He's being such a dear. He's offered to smoke outside and he has cut back a great deal.

Wow, I just went on forever didn't I?
All my love to you all.

Christa said...

Does Lunesta numb you off completely? Because that's the only thing that makes me sleep if I go into complete and total state of pain. If I dare to sleep.

And I think you're just amazing that can handle not smoking more than just a couple of puffs from your hubby now and then, considering all the things that's been happening around you lately :hugs:
Keep it up :D

Lindsey said...

I have a routine too. Pretty similar to yours...just time of day is different. When I get home from work, the first thing I do is write my post for the day and then I go and comment on everyone's blogs. After that is down time and bed. I usually spend about an hour reading and commenting on blogs. The most time is spent figuring out what my post is going to be about. I'm trying to cut down on the time so I try to browse and comment on other blogs during a bit of free time at work. Just have to be careful not to get caught! :0)

Autumn Storm said...

Been meaning to ask you how the quitting was going.
Well done!!!!

Agnes said...

Christa, I think Lunesta just triggers the part of the brain that stops thinking and lets you rest. It may not be stronger than the pain. It's damned expensive too.

Linny, Be careful peeking at work. I have that problem too. I have to fight the urge most of the day. :)

Autumn and Christa, thanks about the quitting. My flawed logic is: If I can quit while things are BAD then they won't get worse and trigger my need to start again.
That was working fine until the cat disappeared. Ugh.
Freaking Murphy's Law. If things can go wrong, they will. ;)