"There is much work to be done." she stated, wondering if she even knows where to begin. She suspects that she does not.
"One foot in front of the other, I suppose."
Thus begins the journey. It is mental. It is emotional. It is spiritual. It is real.
It requires a goal. The goal is not yet clear; not yet determined. She feels it will reveal itself in time.
What she is very clear about is the need for some sort of action. She wishes for that action to begin today. Possibly, this post is the beginning.
A voice deep within whispers, "Is this a mood? Will this pass?"
She counters it with a desire to stay the course. Just stay the course. Focus.
There is something deeper to explore.
It feels as if there has been a "skip" in time. A gap from what was to what is.
To bridge the gap. Maybe that is the goal?Soak in every emotion. Move in every direction.
Be no longer, a body at rest.
She says, to no one, "There is something larger than myself. There is something greater happening now."
Required Reading Materials:
"The View From Eternity" Vaughan Shelton
"90 Minutes in Heaven" Don Piper
"The Five People You Meet in Heaven" Mitch Albom
Possibly some more "antique" theological information - Egyptian, Tibetan, etc
Also required; Mark Twain Quotes (for perspective) , Albert Einstein Quotes and Theories (more perspective)
My Life As A House
Tuesday's With Morrie
----Something more inspirational about life---- (suggestions accepted)