Monday, June 05, 2006

6-5-06 Mass Hysteria Amuses Me

I know a person who will hide inside a locked house, with shades drawn, because of tomorrow's date. I am amused by this. A bit saddened as well. It buys into my theory that people are sheep. That's a horribly negative theory, isn't it?
Regardless, tomorrow is 060606. I sincerely hope I do not have to eat my words but I just don't see the logic in fearing numbers.
Moreover, I do not comprehend a Christian fearing anything so trivial. Isn't that the purpose of that particular faith? To know that one is saved and so one has nothing to fear? It seems odd to put so much energy into the negative. How very Koreshian to hide away. Will there be thousands doing the same?

I see tomorrow as nothing more than a real good day to premier the remake of "The Omen". But that plays into it too, doesn't it?

I do hope some idiot group of zealot terrorists doesn't see it as a real good day to make a point.

“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here.”

Inner Light


Christa said...

Morning Agnes :D
Your post goes well together with one of mine today - Metal Help Hotline...LOL
As you said, it's sad that there are ppl that actually lock themselves up behind
their curtains.

As for tomorrow...well, I'm not superstitious, so it'll be an ordinary day.
There's a woman here in England who are scheduled to have her baby tomorrow and
she's terrified...LOL
Silly people ;)

Have a good Moanday ;)

Christa said...

LOL....I want a t-shirt like that :D

Autumn Storm said...

Blogger is being such a tease today - let's see if it works this time...

That hotline post had me in stitches :-)

Stuff like tomorrow drives me crazy, the hype and the hysteria. No point if they are wrong, no point if they are right.

Very pretty fractal! & the usual: A happy day to you, xo

Autumn Storm said...

25th time lucky, how's that for devotion to your blog ;-D

Lindsey said...

The really bad thing is that tomorrow is my mom's surgery. It's on 6-6-6 at 6am.

I don't think the world is going to end but I sure do wish they could do it on Wed. instead.

Agnes said...

Aw Lin. She's gonna be fine, I'm sure. Those docs have to work and it's just another day to them too.
You'll all be laughing about it that evening.
We've been giggling all day about how my friend "called in superstitious". There's a new one.
Besides, my hubby pointed out: "This isn't the first time there's been a June 6th, '06. The world would have ended every hundred years."

I suspect the worst will be people who hurt themselves over their own paranoia.
Autumn, I sincerely thank you for your true devotion. :D Whattagal!
I agree entirely - no point right or wrong. It did cross my mind that a person so mentally involved in such hysteria will see every tiny problem as an omen. Suppose my friend gets up tomorrow and burns her morning toast. The whole day will be shot.

Christa, I'm all over your mental health hotline - no...wait...I'm an operator!!! Ack!

Tracey! I love that saying. I don't live next door but I've met the beast once or twice in this life and purposefully lost his number. In fact, I think I even worked for him once. Hah!

Tomorrow will be a grand day! Let's enjoy.

illusions said...

I am yet to figure out this 666 theory...I happy to think that it is a work of fiction, literature or cinema...either way, so far my day has been very nice. Thanks for the comments on my post, one of them made my day :)

tsduff said...

Agness, Tee hee - the mass hysteria is really funny if you take a step back to look at it, albeit a little exasperating (rolls eyes). The folks who are running around being in a tizzy haven't taken the time to figure out their own spiritual path... it isn't the numbers they are to be scared of but the designation and illumination of that "beast"... growl growl...

Happy 666 day - it's been fun. And Linny - you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers today.

PS Agnes, I love that sparkler light... like the 4th of July :-)