Tuesday, June 27, 2006

6-27-06 taking a...


Christa said...

Taking a raincheck eh? ;)

Have a great day, Agnes :hugs:

Sherry said...

For all week or just today? I'd like one until 4pm Friday, please!

Trée said...

Sweet sexy baby, you know you only increase my anticipation with these rain checks. :-D

Trée said...

By the way, my 20yr old daughter is moving to Dallas for a year. She is there right now looking at apartments. I told her I had someone that could look out for her if she got in trouble. ;-)

Agnes said...

Christa, I'm so not a morning person. LOL Just could not get my lazy ass up yesterday. Oh, and on that note, my sis said I need to get my happy ass to Houston. I told her I would as soon as I could find my happy ass. Right now, I'm using my lazy ass. ;) Thought you'd get a laugh from that.

Sherry, Let's shoot for July 3rd at 5pm, ok? There's an old saying "Imagine what we'd miss if we got out wish; always wishing for Friday and five o'clock." Now there's that profound stuff. LOL

Tree, how do I emphasize the e on my laptop? It's making me crazy. LOL As for increasing your anticiption, well...life is better with a little suspense, huh?
20yr old daughter and trouble - synonymous. Redundant even. I promise I will go down and bail her out if necessary. ;)
I do hope she likes Dallas. She will need a map. Is she going to school here?

Trée said...

Aggie, she is taking the entrance exam for Toni & Guy this morning. Keep your fingers crossed she passes. She would start in October but wants to move at the end of July. A 20yo woman in a big city with time on her hands--and she is a rather good looking young lady too. Trouble--you think? :-D

As far as the "é" goes, I'm afraid a one-on-one personal lesson will be necessary. Clear your schedule, it could take hours. :-D