Thursday, June 01, 2006

It's a gray and cloudy day...and that's a good thing. :)
Here's hoping for a little rain. Rain is good. Rain washes away. Rain makes happy, new things grow.
C'mon showers, I'm ready for ya.

Isn't that odd? Our lakes are about 12" lower than they should be but poor Houston is floating. The difference a couple hundred miles makes.

Have a beautiful day everyone. May the weather be perfect, whatever mood it's in.


Christa said...

Tell Houston that they send you some water. I'll send you some rain if I could. We've got more of it than we need and deserve.
But you're right - it does make things green and nice. At least when there's some sunshine involved now and then too ;)

Happy Troutday, Agnes!! :D

illusions said...

It's cloudy out here rained last night, and will probably rain again today. Teh monsooons are here finally :)

I sneaked out of work and went for a walk in the rain :)

You have a good Rainy day!

Autumn Storm said...

We had the best kind of rain this morning, warm rain, the sun was shining and I made full use, took myself off for a walk and got thoroughly drenched, purposely of course. Wishing you rain, and a happy, growy day, xo

tsduff said...

Can you hear me screaming? I lost my nice long comment - seems to be happening a lot lately. (operator error) :-( Anyway - nice picture, nice rain thoughts - happy Thursday!xo

Oliviah said...

Oddly enough, it's a gray and cloudy day over here today. And I kinda like it. Something rather soothing about rain.

Really nice image, btw!

Becky L said...

its been WAY too long since i've commented. sorry!

i know what you mean about rain-- we really need it too. Hubby planted flowers on Saturday and they're dying already!!! it rained for all of 5 minutes today. Hopefully it will more tonight.

Trée said...

Boy, I don't even want to tell you what I thought you said here:

"C'mon showers, I'm ready for ya."

Let's just say the thought made me smile like I haven't smiled all day. For that I say bless you child. :-D

I love the monochrome image. Very raindropie, or then again, if you look at that little guy in the center, the one that looks like he has a tail and is busting his way . . . Well, let's just stick to raindrops. :-D

Sweet dreams sexy woman.