Now that's gonna leave a stain!
Oops...lookout...Oh no...I think you got some on you. Ok, a little seltzer water and it will come right out. Really.
So let's have a little fun.
(We freakin need some fun!)
My sister asked me "What do we usually eat for Christmas? I can't think of anything and I need to tell people what to bring."
So I thought of a few things and dinner now looks like this: Turkey (Free. Thank you Kroger!), green bean cassarole, dressing, pears, rolls, deviled eggs and stuffed celery, chocolate pie.
What did we forget? What would you bring?
You MUST have jibblet gravy...
OMG - you are SO right! I totally forgot giblet gravy. Eeek that dressing would be dry without it. :)
Selzer water, you're sure? Ok, I trust you.
Pretty little mess you created! :)
Nice splash, Agnes ;)
Um....I can't really add anything since I have more food on my Christmas table than you can ever imagine...LOL Well, not that much anymore, but there's always a big ham, meatballs, sausages of different kinds, 2 or 3 kinds of herring, ribs, potatoes, salmon, bread, cheese, red cabbage....I could go on and on forever :p
But that's the Swedish Christmas table :)
Pecan pie. :-) Honey-baked ham is always good too. Oh, and lots of mistletoe.
There's no pie like banoffee pie.
Since I'll be eating at an Icelandic Christmas table this year (in Florida, HA HA) my guess is that the table will be groaning under the weight of such delicacies as
Reindeer pate, Smoked goose, Herring in spicy sauce, Hamborgarhryggur (this is pretty much your standard Christmas ham with a dressed-up name) and my personal favorite Hangkjöt: smoked lamb.
Maybe there will be some Lufabrauð, a Christmas tradition that tastes like a good fried tortilla, smeared with thick Icelandic butter.
There will be things to sprinkle - toasted onions (I LOVE these), some well-cooked vegetable selections, perhaps in the cabbage/carrot/potato theme, and some yummy graflax and smoked salmon.
Christmas is no time to diet, thats for sure :-D
I love the colors! Very puuurrrttyyy!
Hi all.
I'm in Houston. Got called down by Mom on Tuesday at noon. Caught a flight. Longest flight of my life so far, but suspect another might be in the future.
He's stil with us. Close call on Tuesday. He woke that night to fine a room full of family and started crying because he thought that was it...that must be the end.
We told him we were just visiting because it's Christmastime.
I want him to get better. He won't eat though. Isn't hungry. Doesn't understand the gravity of not eating.
I think we're losing.
I don't want to lose.
All my love to you all for being here for me and for hopes, prayers, thoughts and hugs.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Hold everyone closer than you ever ever have.
Until we meet again.
Take care in Houston. My thoughts are with you. *hugs*
And Merry Christmas to you.
Thoughts and prayers my dear sweet woman. Moonlight at 10pm. Each night. See you there. I'll be beaming my prayers and thoughts to reflect back down to you. Let them bathe over you like a warm heartfelt embrace. Love my dear.
Agnes, sending everything I have your way, love, thought, hope, hugs, its all yours, xxx
Not much time to chat, we are still praying for you and your family.
Merry CHRISTmas !!!!
Thanks so very much. Having you guys in my heart makes things a little easier to bear.
T and Phred - it's great to see you guys. Big hugs to you.
Terry, you know exactly how to touch my heart. Thank you for that.
Trace, Autumn,Everyone I've missed, Having you guys in my heart makes things a little easier to bear.
Christa - I know you know exactly what we're feeling and your hugs say a million words.
We might have finally found our miracle yesterday.
Dad chose an unattended moment in the ICU to decide he was going to just go home. (of course, he can't walk but his brain still believes he can)
He started pulling out tubes and such. So, ICU decided he needs a "sitter".
The sitter stays in his room all day. She was great. She pushed him to eat and made him sit in a chair. She pushed him like a drill sargent. She really forced his spirit back. THAT is what we've been lacking all this time.
Mom has been begging and pleading for him to eat. Just try. He wouldn't do it and she would finally feel defeated and give up in tears. All that time he just got weaker and weaker until finally he couldn't even put enough breath behind his voice to make words.
Last night I spent 30 minutes talking to him while he sat up in a chair. That's a huge change from where we were on Tuesday.
There's so much more to tell. No time at all.
I don't have the freedom here to really update the blog.
If all goes well and he keeps improving (if insurance will keep him in ICU for another week or more) I'll head back to Dallas for four days and then come back down here for a week.
If I'm in Dallas on 12/27, then all of our prayers are finally being answered. There is still hope. There is still a chance.
Y'all have blessed Christmas. Look at everyone in your lives and give thanks for them - good and bad.
Phred, CHRISTmas prayers are the loudest ones, right?
Much love to each of you.
I just realized that I skipped right over Tree. I didn't forget you hon. And I'm so far behind on your story. I hope it's full of hope and joyous moments of strenght.
Much love.
(And all that food up there sounds fantastic. Christa, I wouldn't know a herring from tuna-fish. Herring is a Monty Python moment for me. LOL
Terry, Reindeer pate? Something is really not right about Rudolph on crackers at Christmas. ;)
Thanks for the update, Agnes. Bear hugs, x
Agnes, sweetie, if I don't speak to you again beforehand, I hope you have a magical christmas filled with love and blessings.
LOL...now you're babbling, Agnes ;)
I'm so glad that you finally had some help with your dad. Sounds like she's got the spirit to make things happen in the right direction.
Take good care of each other and try to enjoy Christmas together :hugs:
Loves and wishes of a great Christmas to both you and your family :huggggs:
I pray Christmas will be a good one for your family. Take a hold of the joy and peace Christ offers!
I'm still praying for you! It's wonderful that you were able to spend time talking with your dad. Moments like those are more precious than any earthly possession!
Aggie, I was getting worried there for a minute. Feel much better now--lol.
Merry Christmas eve my dear sweet sexy woman. Come meet me under the mistletoe. Wear those boots too and clear your schedule. :-D
Dearest Agnes.
Thinking of you, hoping with all my heart you have a happy Christmas.
Love and hugs, x
Merry Christmas to you Agnes - you are in my prayers all the time dear. Love, Terry
Merry Christmas my sweet sexy baby. Sending warm and long hugs and kisses to you. Maybe a few special things too. :-)
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