Wednesday, March 01, 2006


OMG...I made it to March.
It seems the past six months (the past three especially) have been about 47 years long. Today's date seems to be some long awaited "right of passage" sort of day. In reality, it is only the same as yesterday.

As for the PC issues, I suspect my problems have a lot to do with Internet Exploder and AOHell. I would just reinstall's a long story and not worth our time.

A bit sad though. Whatever is eating my PC lost all my "favorite places" and try as I might, I cannot restore them. There were a lot of links there that Dad and I shared. Sigh.

Well, here's a pretty (odd) fractal for the day. It's a bit dim but it's all I've got. Happy Wednesday all.


Christa said...

Ack! I hate it when that happens. There's a reason we all have favorites in our browsers and it's a bummer when they vanish.

Does this mean that you're up running again btw? Or at least your home PC...

Make a backup of your favorites from now on. That way they cannot go anywhere no matter what happens ;)

Autumn Storm said...

Ruby, emerald and amethyst and keeping me guessing what it is?!?!?! :-) I like, a lot.
Happy Wednesday, Happy 1st of the Month, Happy March, Happy Spring-is-just-around-the-corner (good luck with sorting out the comp issues), love and hugs, x

tsduff said...

Waaahhhh, that is awful that your fav places vanished! Maybe if you started your pc back to a saved place several months ago they would reappear. I had to do that to my computer - it was stuck, and AOHELL (HA HA HA HA LOVE that moniker!! as I have it) wouldn't load any pages either.

Pretty colors on the fractal - I really like them.

Have a good day -

Pretty coloers

Lindsey said...

I'm looking hopeful in March. January and February sucked...but so far things are looking up. Hope we both have good things coming our way.