Tuesday, March 21, 2006

3-21-2006 Priorities (or: Boy aren't we confused?)

Did you look at the picture above and think "Awwww, ain't they cute?" Did you attach some semblance of "love" to these two cubs? We do that, don't we? Look at things in nature and give them human qualities. We only really give them "sweet" human qualities though.

Let's try this:

Human qualities? No? Animal instinct.
Although, this is a pretty good likeness of a couple of people I know just now.

I think we have our priorities all screwed up. I'm constantly aghast at how awfully we take each other for granted. Why can't we look at each other and think "Aww, ain't they cute?" Why can't we see the child inside that longs for affection? Why do we get so caught up in what we want that we stop giving?
Ahhh...a million questons in my brain today.
Do us all a favor.....love someone. Love them regardless of their faults. Hell, love their faults.

"No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently."
-Agnes DeMille

"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
-Leonard Cohen

"To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven."
-Johannes A. Gaertner


Christa said...

Yawp...very true.
Go to my blog if you have the time and click a link to Hayley's Progeria Page in my second blogpost for today. THAT'S a family who take nothing for granted.

Have a happy Tuesday :hugs:

Agnes said...

Happy Tuesday to you too Christa. You just wait on pins and needles for me to post in the mornings, don't you? HAHAHA. I'm so sure. :D

I think you got in just under the wire. Blogger is all kinds of moody today.
I know, I know...get off Blogger. LOL

Well, there's a smile on my face and that's nothing to complain about. Have yourself a wondermus day too.

Autumn Storm said...

Good thoughts! Happy Tuesday, x

tsduff said...
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tsduff said...

Yep - polar bears always elicit feelings of love and affection from me... even though I know they are killers; in fact they are one of the few animals in creation (including Man)who actually kill just for the pleasure/sport of it, not just for survival. Since I am partner to a "bear-like" man, I'm prone to like the beasts...

I like the struggle portrayed with the horses too - all creatures have that side to them, no matter what the heck they are, mouse to elephant... we all have conflict within. I just would like to keep that side balanced and under control more often.

Happy Tuesday Aggie!

Agnes said...


Terry, I like the way you described that for us. Words I was looking for but couldn't find.

Balance, I think, might be the key.

The title of the post was "Priorities" as in "boy are ours screwed up".
Yesterday a man shot dead a fifteen year old boy for WALKING ON HIS LAWN.
When did landscaping take precidence over human life?