Friday, April 07, 2006

4-7-06 Friday Fodder


Sometimes, when I'm feeling less than inspired to post something inspiring, I do a Google image search of the word-of-the-day. Today's word was Friday.
Apparently, Friday brings out everything from "Friday the 13th" movies to the actor that played "Friday" on Swiss Family Robinson to "here's a pic of my cat named Friday". Also available are 4000 photos of "what we did on Friday".
Here's a clip from the smash 1980s hit "Friday After Next".

Classy, huh?
So I got to thinking: What did we do on Friday nights when we were kids?
And the answer is: Rollerskating.
We went rollerskating in tight jeans and disco colored tops and I could WALTZ on rollerskates. I still own the skates. They are black, leather speedskates. I was TOUGH. Bwahahaaha

So what did you do as a kid on Friday nights?


Autumn Storm said...

The same thing - that and then Saturday nights at the ice rink where they would play music and I'd twirl and dream of going to the Olympics one day :-)
Happy Friday

Christa said...

We usually had the house full of people over the weekends...friends of my dads, either musicians or artists. So Fridays meant that we had dinner with everyone, listened to some music if dad, grandad and the others were playing...and then we were stuffed in bed around 8pm :p

Later when I became a teenager and didn't live at home anymore I worked Friday nights.
Have a great Friday, Agnes :hugs:

Trée said...

Hey Aggie, how are the kids? Any more playmates on the way? Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

Agnes said...

Autumn, I cannot ice skate. Never could. Need stronger ankles, I guess. How wonderful the thought of twirling though. :D

Christa, a house full of people and music sounds absolutely divine. Working Friday nights does not. :)

Trée, I do believe we are done birthing. (I sure hope so.) I have not taken so much as a Tylenol in two days and I am one happy camper about that. Woohoo.
I guess you'll just have to play with me. :)~

Tracey, The ALOHA? Like you were in Hawaii? Geeze, ours was Airline Skating Rink. OMG, someone might see that and they'll surely recognize me then. haha
Those were good times. Skating was great exercise too. Made for nice glutes. LOL It would just look silly if we went now, wouldn't it?

illusions said...

Always wanted to learn rollerskating...maybe I should add that to one of the skills, I need to learn before the year ends :) We watched a lot of movies!