Wednesday, April 12, 2006

When I hear somebody sigh, 'Life is hard,' I am always tempted to ask, 'Compared to what?'
-Sydney J. Harris


Christa said...

hehe...very true words.
Hope you're day is a good one :hugs:

Agnes said...

Today I feel very peaceful. I am hoping the day stays wondefully calm and easy. :)

I'll wish that on you as well.

Very happy Humpday to ya.

Christa said...

I hope so too :D

And I had the permission btw :)
Unofficially the date for the exhibition is set to July 15 and 16 :)

Autumn Storm said...

:-D like that quote so much!
And the picture, had to save it, just beautiful.
Wishing you a calm and easy day, x :-)

Becky L said...

thats an extrememly interesting quote. i'll have to ponder that one-- b/c quite often [especially now] i feel like life is so tough.

tsduff said...

You do manage to find the best quotes. Life is tough, but in my opinion it is better than the alternative - no life. And, in my experience, the hard times alternate with the easy times, bad times with the good times... so it's not unbearable. Nice picture - always the optimist :-)

Agnes said...

Christa!!! I'm thrilled, thrilled, thrilled!!!! Now, if I can just get tickets in time. ;)

Autumn, it has been a calm and easy day so far. Oddly, I think it has more to do with my attitude.
I've been able to shrug off the nasties quite efficiently today. :D
I hope your day was peaceful as well.

Becky, LOL - I have a funny thing to admit about that quote. Most often I copy quotes that relate to my life. I have the answer to "compared to what" so this amused me.
"Life is hard."
"Compared to what?"
"Compared to my best friend's Jerry Springer life."

Poor gal. No matter how bad my life is, hers is always worse. If mine is worse than hers, I'm in trouble. LOL
-You hang in there kiddo. Bright skies will shine again soon.

Terry, you are right. Life is tough. I recall very clearly the times when it wasn't though...and yes, both are necessary or neither have value.
I will add that I think it is necessary to cherish the good more than dwell on the bad. Too much focus on bad begins to drain away that life.

illusions said...

Awesome pic...I also use this comparison on others when there going through a grouchy phase.