Mental and Emotional Symptoms. Tension and craving build up during periods of withdrawal, sometimes to a nearly intolerable point. One European study found that the incidence of workplace accidents increases on No Smoking Day, a day in which up to 2 million smokers either reduce the amount they smoke or abstain altogether. "
That's pleasant, huh? The hubby is doing amazingly well....sorta. He has not had one cigarette in seven days now. After a 2+/day habit, that's impressive and I'm proud of him. BUT - he has become an intolerable a**hole.
He's just downright mean. I realize this is a symptom and so I let it slide. I do not want him to go back to smoking. I know this will pass. But would it be so wrong if I slip valium into his drinks for a month or so?
Sigh. I love you honey. I'm sorry you don't feel good. I'm really, really proud of you.
“Someday perhaps the inner light will shine forth from us, and then we'll need no other light” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

hehe...I become an asshole too...a big one even. Robin ususally let is slide, but sometimes I find myself being more provocative than usual. I can be a pain in the @ss as it is, so without nicotin it's really bad.
Hope you'll both make it :hugs:
I'm still trying and hoping that the surgery will give me the break that I need. Motivation is a big issue and even though I KNOW that it's not good for me, it's not enuf.
Happy WedgieDay :hugs:
Aggie, that is such great news. Still pulling for you and hub and wishing you both all the best.
Try slipping him a Midol. If nothing else it will be amusing for you!
Hi Tracey. :D :waves: I really am impressed with him. He has not had one single cig in 8 days now. I'm not nearly as strong. I have had a few.
Also, thank you for absolving me of the valium drink additives. LOL
LOL Christa. Robin is a man of unending patience. Might be that my tolerance level is a bit low. LOL I gave him a little "what for" and we're past it. ;)
Generally Speaking, good luck to you too. It is a challenge.
We are on the patch and that seems to take the cravings away...mostly. My issues are purely psychological. I hope you find the thing that works for you.
(there should be rehab for this. we should get to go to an inpatient, withdrawal spa where they take very good care of all your needs and keep you happy and feed you well. OMG, Imagine a building full of quitters. That would be an angry mob.)
Thanks Tree. :) All the support I can get, ya know. LOL Ok, him too. heehee
ROFL Sherry. Midol. That would be a hoot...I think I have a bottle...muuuahahaha
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