Thursday, February 02, 2006

2-2-06 Things that make you go "Hmmm"


OMG! The phone rang at 6:30a.m. and my mother's name came on the caller ID. (freak out)
She's ok. Whew!
She saw something on the news and she had no one to share it with. Something big.
Something big to us anyway.

She heard that the place my father worked for 16 years will close its doors tomorrow.
We let our mouths hang open on that.

Here's the life lesson we'll carry away from it. The one to share.
"Do not continue working in a job where you're unhappy. If you're miserable, start today looking for something better!"

He worked there for 16yrs. He did it with a smile regardless of the idiocy. Because my Dad knew and shared humor, he did have very close friends there. A number of them came to the funeral. One cried at the podium. A grown man cried for the loss of a co-worker...a friend.

About 8 years ago Van Tyle Corporation (sp) bought the dealership.
They cut everyone's pay in half.
Still Dad stayed on.
They cut staff and benefits.
And he stayed on.
They changed his hours to include Saturdays.
And he stayed.

Dad was afraid to leave because of his age. Where would he find another job? He'd built benefits and had health insurance. The pay cut left them with just enough to live on. (my parents have always lived within their means - not extravagant)
So he never left. He was abused by an ignorant, doom-sayer boss who not only made him do all the work and complained constantly, but hired on his own son. His son who couldn't get a job because of DWI convictions and such. The boy was hired to work under my father. That nearly drove my Dad mad.

Dad just wanted to work there another 5 years and be done with it.
5 more years and he would be 67 and Mom would be 65. They could retire and go on Medicare.
But he didn't make it.
Now....neither will they.

I have a sadness in my heart for the good people he worked with.
Dad would have been unemployed anyway. He'd be working on an ulcer already.
We beat Van Tyle...the hard way.

Maybe he put a little hex on that "humanless" Corporation.

Wow. What an incredibly odd mix of emotions this is.

Happy Thursday all. It's almost the weekend.


Agnes said...

Did I mention the paperwork nightmare this causes for my Mom who hasn't been able to collect the life insurance yet?!
And COBRA healt insurance. Companies that don't exist don't have COBRA. She's uninsured.
Oh, there's so much more. What a headache!

We will move past this too, but man I worry about her.

Christa said...

Well, the good thing is that your mom is doing ok though. At least nothing happened to her.
But I can understand that this is a big deal to all of you.
When it comes to big companies there's no limit to what they can do for the sake of profit and to reach the goal they set up. In a way I'm glad that your dad is not around to witness this.

Have a good Thursday, Agnes :hugs:

Autumn Storm said...

Can't think what to say to all of that, Agnes, except it all seems very sad and wrong.
Great frac.
Happy Thursday, x

tsduff said...

The injustice of it all is so wrong. My Sweetie's Mom is now facing similar hurdles with insurance and not able to collect life insurance - covering the funeral costs is tough. But as Christa said, your mom is okay for now - and you have each other.

Agnes said...

OMG Trace, my heart just breaks for your father. How awful that must have been for him.

Terry, My heart goes out to your Sweetie's Mom...and to your Sweetie who will worry is head off about her.

I keep getting bowled over by how much has to be done. Mom is doing ok - and she has her good days, but she said she felt like she was kicked in the (stomach)when she heard the news.

Life is so damned....impermanent.

Sad and wrong. Well put Autumn.

Christa - that is the most sad and wrong of it all. The oh mighty dollar. I just shake my head at it all.
I want to say "I'm glad he's not here to witness it too" and part of me is...but, of course, part of me would rather have him here and angry instead.

Impermanence. I thought I knew about that before now.
I really really didn't.
Expect many Buddhist quotes to come.

illusions said...

Sad...very sad...and am truly sorry to hear about it.

Though it does give me more reason to start my own day pretty soon hopefully, I will! Maybe its another Karmic sign.

Agnes said...

Thank you Rupen. That's exactly what I should be doing...looking for the upside of things.
The thought that there is not much time is resounding in my head. "Do it now." I hear.
Karma? Could be.

By the way, I have the hardest time posting on your site. :(