Tuesday, May 23, 2006


When a lute is played, there is no previous store of playing that it comes from. When the music stops, it does not go anywhere else. It came into existence by way of the structure of the lute and the playing of the performer. When the playing ceases, the music goes out of existence.

In the same way all the components of being, both material and nonmaterial, come into existence, play their part, and pass away.

That which we call a person is the bringing together of components and their actions with each other. It is impossible to find a permanent self there. And yet there is a paradox. For there is a path to follow and there is walking to be done, and yet there is no walker. There are actions but there is no actor. The air moves but there is no wind. The idea of a specific self is a mistake. Existence is clarity and emptiness.

-Visuddhi Magga


Christa said...

Morning Agnes :D
You're way too deep for me this morning...LOL It's a lovely fractal though :hugs:

Trée said...

Can I wade in the deep of your mind Aggie? I want to get lost in you, not that I'm not already lost you see. :-D

Lindsey said...

Treé's comment almost sounds a bit perverse...dirty dirty boy.

I know my posts have been funky lately...I haven't told everyone yet...but I think I'll post about it in a couple of weeks. We just found out that my mom has Cancer. She is a breast cancer survivor from about 7 years ago and now she's been diagnosed with cervical cancer. The good news...the think they can get it all out and most likely she won't have to undergoe radiation or chemo. The bad news...she has to undergo a hysterectomy in about a week. *Sigh*

tsduff said...

When the playing ceases, the music goes out of existence

Whether or not this is the truth, it becomes painfully close to it when we lose the presence of a loved one through death. They just blip off the screen, dissolve into the mist, disappear like smoke... go somewhere else. But they don't cease to exist, because the "stain" as you put it remains.

Linny, I sent all positive healing and loving thoughts to you and your mother through this turbulent time. I pray too.

Autumn Storm said...

"through it all she offers me prtotection" I see a little angel guarding over the heart, really like this fractal.

Linny, there is great power in "positive healing and loving thoughts", am joining mine to Terry's.
Sending bear hugs, too, xxx

Agnes said...

:) Deep thoughts by Agnes Mitchell. LOL

Treé, you are welcome to wade in the deep cobwebs of my mind but only if you promise to toss out some of the junk while you're in there. I imagine it looks a lot like Sanford & Son's place.

Linny, Treé is perverse in the most endearing ways. LOL
As for your funk and your Mom, I wish I could fly to where you are and just wrap my arms around you. I sincerely want to sheild you both entirely from the confusion and craziness and concern.
Prayers and positive thoughts to you both. A hysterectomy resolves a lot of other issues so it isn't awful. Hey, no menopause. :) That's a good thing, right?

Terry, I knew you'd know right where that one touched me. I know it touches you also. "They just blip off the screen." That's surely how it feels. I'm working myself toward remembering and recognizing that stain. Odd that it's not as apparent as one would think.
Hugs to you for your incredible depth of understanding..and to your beau who knows too. I know we'll all heal together. :)

Autumn, I didn't see the angel until you pointed her out. :) Thanks for that.

Lindsey said...

Thanks so much to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. They really do mean a bunch!