Thursday, May 25, 2006

5-25-06 A bit surreal

"Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot to the town gossip."
-Will Rogers

I saw a couple of these yesterday. They were flying wild in the neighborhood. Someone's pets gone wild I guess.
I was happy for them....because they were together. Two against the world.

They seemed a colorful blessing against the dullness of the day.
I remember someone saying something about it being good luck if they nest in your yard. I don't recall why. Maybe just because their brilliant colors seem so hopeful.

Happy Thursday.


illusions said...

Killer simply using colors in the quote. It fits so well with pic.

Christa said...

Nice colour match this morning, Agnes :D

tsduff said...

Ah - a beautiful Macaw... so brilliant and pretty! There is a giant flock of various parrots which live in San Francisco. The climate is such that it doesn't freeze, and they have gradually banded together over the years to be a familiar sight flying over the city.

I like to imagine it is "two on an adventure together in the world" not against the world. And it is cool that they are two. :-D Oh, BTW, I love your smiley today :-)

Autumn Storm said...

Very colourful, lovely post. Happy Thursday, x

Agnes said...

LOL Thank you Rupen. :) Always good to see you. Yes, I'm feeling very colorful lately. So, I guess I matched the quote with the bird and the color with my mood. Not too bad, huh?

Thanks Christa. hee hee - you know how much effort it takes my old fogie self to do all that coloring. ;P

Terry, I can't imagine a flock of parrots. How incredible that must be. Texas is starting to be a home to parakeets. I suppose those that adapt to the wild are migrating this directions. We see them come through in the late Spring...staying tropically warm.
I prefer your "adventure" perspective as well.
That smiley was a hoot, huh? I have actually had that happen. :)

Happy day to you too Autumn. (It's Friday by the time I get to read/post again.) Thank you for your compliments. :)