Friday, May 05, 2006

5-5-06 Huh?

When you live with someone for a very long time you tend to have less conversations and more communications. That is to say, you speak what you're thinking and sort of assume the other person is thinking the same thing. I call them "subjectless sentences". They happen a lot.
They sound like "Where's the thing?" and "It's over there by the thingy."
Amazingly, I know what the lost thing is and he knows what thingy I'm referring to.
Only - that isn't always true. In fact, more and more, I don't have any idea what thing he's looking for and I can't even remember what the thingy is called or where it was last.

Case in point: My husband said two things to me this morning before our daily "I love you"s and "be careful going to work"s.
He said, "It's time to get up." which I did. And he said, "I have a feeling if it rains they're not going to do it again today."

Now I'm pretty foggy brained at this point but I'll be damned if I know who they are or what they aren't going to do because of the rain.
Oh wait...yeah I do. Nevermind. He's right. They probably won't. But they ought to because I'm not going to let them do it on the weekend.

LOL - Sick little game, isn't it?

Happy Friday.


Christa said...

I guess that's where so many couples goes wrong too. Either you start to communicate when you've stopped the conversations, or you realize that you have no clue who that stranger is that you're living with :p
Balance I believe it the word that comes to mind ;)

Have a great day, Agnes :hugs:

Autumn Storm said...

I loved 'I love Lucy' :-D

lol, was giggling all through this post as though not a relationship situation, it is still made me think of similar conversations that I often have with a few different people :-) Too funny, and thoroughly frustrating on those odd occasions when we don't have a clue.
Happy Friday, Agnes, hope you have a wonderful day and weekend!

tsduff said...

Let's see... trim the trees? Fix the driveway? Roof the garage? Brick the chimney? I give up. WHAT are they not going to do?

Have a great Cinco de Mayo - and enjoy that wonderful communication with your hubby. :-)

Phred said...

I don`t know...the NASCAR race maybe ???

Just dropped in to say, Have a Great weekend.

Agnes said...

PHRED!!! Good to see ya. Well, Nascar surely comes to mind. It actually crossed my mind while I flipped through the mental cardex searching for the subject to which he referred.
It got omitted because he doensn't care or Nascar. (And he's from North Carolina. That's got to be some sort of blasphemy, huh?)

Christa - "balance" is a good word. Unfortunately, this kind of balance takes two and he's bouncing up and down on my tight rope. LOL Trust that there have been plenty of communications about subjectless sentences. To be fair, we've both complained. :D

Autumn - it's a horrible habit that sits right up there with "we finishe each other's sentences" which is cute when you're 20 and annoying as hell when you're 40. I think by the time you're 40 you meant to end your sentence with something else and settled for what they came up with. That and the old brain takes a bit longer to flush out the correct noun.
Thingy works for a LOT of things. LOL

Ok Terry - I saved you for last just to build suspense. (snicker)
We had to empty out MY master bedroom closet so Verizon could get into the attic and run digital wiring. Why, I do not know. Anyway, my bedroom is fulla clothes (most will go to Goodwill instead of going back in, yay!) and so the answer is: "I have a feeling that the Verizon people aren't going to run the wires again today if it rains."

But they did anyway and my Saturday will now be filled with closet cleaning. :)

Lindsey said...


I think it's kind of funny.

illusions said...

Ok couldn't resist myself...LOL