For the next three hours I will sit on the corner of the couch and stare blankly at the screen in hopes of being entertained.
I am telling you this because I will not be around to play til mornin'.
You kids have fun. See ya then.

Believe it or not, I remember that test pattern.
I thought that Indian was so cool.
Did you ever have a TV with twist knobs ??
Aggie, don't look. I've thrown down the gauntlet! Strip fractals. Round one, slip anything you like off except the boots. LMAO!
yeah, i was gonna watch TV tonight.
didnt really get around to it though.
ah well...
So, did you watch anything good?
I, myself, am an Alias fan. I'm so mad that they killed Vaughn!
Phred, I do remember the test pattern. It came on after the late movie, which was either Johnny Carson on the weekdays or some black and white Vincent Price horror show on Saturday Night. :) I also remember twist knobs and I remember getting our first remote control, which was about the size of Rhode Island.
Trée, I actually fear you know. OMG. I can hardly figure out how to get that toy to do what I want. Fret not. I will prevail!
Becky, I've had to tell the world they're not invited to my Thursday nights. My parents raised me this way, so they respect that. The rest, not so much.
My husband, like a two year old, always seems so danged needy on Thursday nights!
Abigail, I didn't get into Alias when it started but you do have my condolences for the untimely death of Vaughn. Possibly he will go on to do movies. ;)
My Thursday includes: Survivor, The Apprentice, and The First 48. At the same time I am taping Joey, Will & Grace and ER....which I will attempt to watch sometime this weekend.
I have a habit of "committing" to TV shows. (also a family thing) I watched Mash and Cheers and Friends from first episode to last.
It fills my need for escapism and fantasy. There will be a whole entire post on escapism and fantasy someday.
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