Wednesday, October 19, 2005

10-19-05 Dad Update

Thanks all for prayers and thoughts. I can feel the vibes and they are doing good!

The doctors went in and looked inside Dad's lungs with a camera. Eww! and Cool! at the same time. LOL

They determined that the spot is NOT cancerous. (Whew!!!)
However, he does have pneumonia. This is his fourth week of fever.
He will remain in the hospital for a few days on I.V. fluids and antibiotics and we will pray that the fever breaks.

The doctors said the thing in his lung is "something he aspirated in". So, Dad did inhale. Exactly what he inhaled, we do not know.
I am driving to Houston tomorrow (Thursday) morning. I'll be there all weekend and back on Monday if all goes well. (and it will!!!!)
I will post when and if I can. Until then, I will check your comments as often as possible.

Love to you all. Keep telling stories to brighten our lives. :)

A guardian angel to watch over Dad.


Christa said...

As I said...a bump in the road ;)
Even pneumonia is a heckova lot better than lungcander...even if it's all but fun. I've had it a few times and it's icky. Tell your dad to feel better and we'll be here when you come back :hugs:
Hope you'll enjoy your stay.

Autumn Storm said...

Agnes, I broke my own record and wrote you the longest message for the previous post and my internet connection crashed (is that what they do?) just as I was publishing. Am now at the internet cafe and can see it didn't go through - all that work too ;-)

So glad to hear it isn't as bad as feared. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, and hugs for you.
Autumn xxx

Lindsey said...


Agnes...I'm glad everything is ok. Be safe and let us know how it goes.

Agnes said...

Thanks so very much! Each of you.

Christa, you're right. I'm going to keep thinking "this is just a bump" and keep a positive attitude.
I know I'll feel better as soon as I see him.

Autumn, I'm laughing and missing that post at the same time? I bet it was the most profound piece of writing ever done. ;) I'm sure of it. Thanks for trying...twice.

Hugs back to all of you. 6:45a.m. - time to hit the road.

Trée said...

Aggie, thanks for the update. So glad it's not cancer. Nice fractal by the way. :-)