Saturday, October 08, 2005

10-8-05 Halloween Decorating

Trying to find the ultimate Halloween background.
This is decorating weekend.


Christa said...

Seriously though, I've never been much for Halloween, maybe coz I didn't grow up with it. Today it's one of the biggest holidays in Sweden, but I'm not sure what it's like here in the UK. Hm...I was here last year during Halloween, but heck if I

Lindsey said...

I'm such a dork, I love to go to Michaels and buy their "haunted village" stuff and set up the village in my apartment.

Trée said...

Pokey, pokey . . . anyone home??? Hellllloooooooo??? Well, you should see my vets office. His wife decorates the place in a way that would make Martha give up and quit. The woman is a master at seasonal decorating. She's not bad looking either. lol

Phred said...

Ahh yes, Halloween.
But I was an ugly child growing up ... I was sooo ugly, I had to Trick or Treat over the telephone.

Trée said...

phred, that's damn funny! ROTFLMFAO!!!

Agnes said...

Oh my - I have been slackin!!

Christa, what holiday did I miss? Was it celebrated in the UK?
What country doesn't have halloween?? (I know, "all of 'em")
I love Halloween for the decorations. I only decorate for two holidays, this one and Christmas. I just like twinkly lights.
Linny, I'd love to buy the villages but I've no place to put them. I need big gaudy pieces that show up in the windows.

Trée, nope. I was sleeepin. Withdrawals from all the quitting I'm doing all at once. Ciggy's, cafeine, sweets. UGH. I'm so unfriendly. LOL
We are kindred souls, Mrs. Vet and I.

Phred, you never ever cease to crack me up!!!