Tuesday, October 18, 2005

10-18-05 Fractalmania II


I like this one. It's very calming.


Christa, this one's for us. Look: Van Gogh meets Monet via the future. ;D


The second in my Rain Dance series, inspired by Cowboys and Indians....thank you Trée.


Trée said...

Fern is my favorite of these three. I like the simplicity, the green, the solitude. My dear, it's exciting to see the progress you are making with this program. Well Done--it's the only way right? LOL

Christa said...

These are all beautiful, Agnes :D And yes, I agree...Inpressionism sure looks like a cross breed between Van Gogh and Monet around year 2050 or something ;)

Autumn Storm said...

They all seem 'native American' inspired, all very nice - you guys make me want to quit trying to turn out something good! Lucky I'm not a quitter :-).

Agnes said...

Hang in there Autumn. It took weeks before I felt like I was controlling the program instead of just making random stuff up.
Can't wait to see.