Sunday, September 11, 2005

9-11-05 Remembering

I remember where I was. I remember every moment.
4 years is not enough to heal the pain of loved ones lost.

Memorial List


Trée said...

Hard to believe it was four years ago. I was in Utah on business when it happened. I still remember walking down the hallway and seeing a bunch of people in the workout room gathered around the TV and seeing smoke coming from one of the towers. The first reports said a small plane had hit one of them. If only that had been true.

Autumn Storm said...

I kept a newspaper that listed all who perished and some facts about them, either the words of their last telephone call or what kind of person they were etc. Numbers are relative and when there are high death tolls, people become statistics. One needs to remember that each of those figures was a life and that life effected the lives of those connected. I kept the newspaper to remind myself and anyone else in my vicinity of that fact.
I have to say, there were positives associated with 9/11. As opposed to the recent Katrina disaster and many others such as the boxing day tzunami, figures were much lower than initially suspected. I remember being glued to the news and almost coming undone at the thought that 33,000 people were trapped in those buildings, as initial reports predicted. Also, 9/11 brought out the very best in the general public...there was no taking advantage of a bad situation to the best of my knowledge - rather people came together, did for one another, and generally showed themselves at their best - this was not the case for the other two examples given.
Despite being so far away, I become very embroiled in such events as they unfold...people sometimes think me strange for this reason. I didn't celebrate last New Year for example...just could not do it after spending all day every day watching the aftermath of the tzunami.
Autumn x

Autumn Storm said...

Photographs re: 9/11
Some are sad, some are frightfully sad, some are beautiful.

Lindsey said...

Ugh. I'm a moron. I was so busy trying to wrangle my nephew all day that I completely forgot what today was.

I too remember everything about the day. But like Trée said...I can't believe it's been 4 years already.

Agnes said...

Great link Autumn. Thanks.
You are so very right about these people NOT being statistics. That is a point our nation needs to keep close in mind now, as we are being so terribly desensitized by news coverage of New Orleans.
Each of the dead is a person. Someone loved. Someone needed. Someone missed.

9-11-01 - I was told by a co-worker that a plane had flown into the tower. Like most, I thought the pilot of a small plane had lost control. I was shocked when the second plane hit.
I walked into the big conference room. MSNBC was projected onto the big screen and so many of us stood or sat in a circle amazed by what was on the screen. Some cried. I cried. I watched the second tower fall and I thought "Oh God, all those people. Oh no."

Tomorrow is my husband's birthday. 2001 was a somber celebration at best.

Phred said...

Agnes, it is good to realize so many still remember / think about 9/11.
To forget these people would be another injustice .
God Bless America.