Sunday, September 04, 2005

9-4-05 Digression

Each day, at work, I have a task to do. It is the same every day. It requires reading aloud.
I am so distracted lately that I decided I would "be in the moment" while doing the task. I would pay attention to the letters and numbers as I read them. Their positions on the page. My voice inflections as I read. I tried to be wholly in the task.
It took no more than 10 seconds before I was off again.
I find myself all at once reading, speaking, listening to unrelated conversations, daydreaming, worrying, planning. All at once.

It is time to get some things off my mind. There is much happening in my life. I must regain some focus. (NOTE: The following rants are my feelings at this moment in my life. I'm allowed to have them even if no one agrees with them. Even if I'm just some rediculous, tyrannical, middle-class, screaming housewife.)

1. Subcutaneous Fluids

2. Amassing Debt

3. Regrets

4. It Wasn't Supposed To Be Like This (A completely closed-minded political perspective with very little basis in reality)

5. Meeting Ends?

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