Friday, September 16, 2005

Friday morning

Last day of vacation and I am completely grouchy. I even had an arguement (over what I do not know) with my hubby on his way out the door.
Grumble and grouch. Pthththth. Ptooie. Blah.

I should probably go back to bed, wake up later and try again at having a good day.


Christa said...

Or you could do something creative with that anger ;) That usually works for me :) Hope your day will get better than your morning :hugs:

Autumn Storm said...

Either that (creative) or do something really energetic (like making up with hubby ;-)

Agnes said...

Creative would be good. I've never really been able to be creative when angry though. It's rare for me to stay angry for long.

Hubby usually phones to apologize and then I apologize and all is forgiven. My memory isn't long enough to hold a grudge for little things. Maybe he's just having a grumpy day too. We'll cut him some slack. :)