Sunday, September 25, 2005

9-25-05 Finally - Peaceful Sunday

So all the family members are safe and accounted for. The parents went home Saturday afternoon. They had no traffic coming in and all is well. The other siblings are taking holiday. None intend to return until Wednesday or so. I know how to spell r-e-l-i-e-f!

Finally I can relax.
To celebrate, I am slow-cooking a big ol' pot of chicken and dumplings. Making it from scratch. I intend to have a peaceful evening and watch the return of Desperate Housewives.
All is right with the world.


Autumn Storm said...

Lovely - worry is the worst!

I so missed out on Desperate Housewives - I've never seen it, but hear rave reviews wherever I go.

Phred said...

Ummmmmmmmm Chicken and Dumplins..does sound good!!
Glad everyone is OK.
We didn`t even get any rain up here in the panhandle.

Anonymous said...

Chicken, dumplins and Desperate Housewifes...sounds like a good ending of a nerving weekend to me :)
Glad to hear that everyone's ok :hugs:

Agnes said...

Autumn, I had on intention of getting involved in Desperate Housewives when it first came out. My mom kept saying "haven't you seen it??!!" Finally I gave in and I am SO addicted. It's a hoot.

Phred, Chicken & Dumplins, easy, messy and yummy!
Dallas didn't get a drop either. We desperately need it. There are 4 inch cracks in the ground around the house. Ah well, Autumn is coming soon. I'm sure we'll get a bit then.

Christa, you're so right about ending a nerve wracking week. And thanks again, long distance hugs are great! :)

Anonymous said...

lol...I was the same as you Agnes about Desperate Housewifes...and now I can't get away from it. I HAVE to see the next episode and if I for some silly reason would miss it due to a power loss or whatever, I get anxiety, I don't...but I'm totally lost the episode after ;)

I can send you a bucket of rain btw...we have plenty of that around here. A lot more than we actually need.

Agnes said...

I'll take that rain Christa. Send it Fedex because we "absolutely positively need it here overnight". LOL

I have one word for your Desperate Housewives anxiety. (Linny, is there a phobia for that one??)
The word is TiVo. Nothing better in the whole world. Ok, there's plenty better but it sure is nice. hahaha

Christa said...

LOL...i'll remember that ;)