Wednesday, September 28, 2005

9-28-05 Dsyexlic Word Verification

For your amusement, here are a few of the ones I've hosed up.


/T/ said...

Well this what Blogger or should I say Google is making me type while leaving you a comment: qsezsrpk But I didn't like it, so I opened a new window (actually a tab in FireFox) and copied the url of the image in until I found what I liked and decided to go with akhoksyc. But Google didn't like that I opened that url in a new window.. it didn't let me type it in.. just gave me another word verification. Guess I have to go with wareb instead...

Christa said...

After doing translations in front of the screen for a whole day any word looks like that to me ;)

Lindsey said...

I HATE word verification. They are getting too long and too squigly. I can't make out the letters anymore. :0(

Trée said...

You know somewhere someone is real proud of themselves for this little program. He/She is probably sitting at a bar right now having a beer and laughing their asses off at all the rest of us poor souls. I think it took an evil mind to create such a thing--lmao.

Agnes said...

/T/ - I am most honored that you would go through so very much just to comment on my blog. Whattaguy!!

Christa, Linny and Trée, I agree with you totally. I feel that they are much easier to read while standing on your head and holding the keyboard vertically. I wonder if any of us will have permanent damage from this. I think I feel a twitch in my left eyeball. Can you say "class action"? LMAO

It's only slightly better than porn-spam afterall, isn't it?

Agnes said...

Have any of you ever wondered how that thing never accidentally spells a real word? Not once.

Christa said...

Sometimes it's almost spells a real word...but not english ones ;)
And I agree with Trée - it took an evil mind to create this...but the reason for it is just as evil I guess...spammers are not exactly any angels ;)

Hahaha...and I just had the most simple word verification so far:
