Wednesday, September 21, 2005

9-21-05 There is no emoticon for "insomnia".

1:27 a.m.
So I'm lying in bed, wide awake, and it's hot as hell and I cannot sleep. My brain refuses to stop blah-blah-blahing. I'm thinking of things I can blog about. I'm thinking of things at work to do tomorrow. I'm thinking of how hot it is. I'm thinking that I don't want to get out of bed. Thinking thinking thinking. ARGH.

I gave up. My brain won.
Want to know the irony?
I'm downstairs now, sitting in front of the pc, typing at the blog and I'm so foggy brained that can't think of a damn thing to type.

THIS was the best I could do.
It's all a cruel joke.

Want a pop quiz? Guess what the numbers mean. (see the numbers just above the clock on the left) Be creative.


SaffronSaris said...

Hi Agnes, I love the background of your blog!! How did you do it?

/T/ said...

Well you are up late, and I am up early.. different time of the night, same feeling. Yeah I could use an icon too.
Well I've been staring at those numbers for half an hour now.. I even started to count the sentences in your posts to see if they would match the numbers. Guess my brain is fried too, or the numbers are related to the time of your post.
Because even though blogger says you posted this at 1:22 am; you wrote 1:27 am.. and that adds up to 10. So the time you wrote your previous posts probably added up to 11 and 20, but I can't verify because you didn't write the time there :)

/T/ said...

Uhhhmmm... 1:27 am was NOT yesterday.. so I am wrong afterall..

Agnes said...

LOL Nice try T. Interesting guess.

Here's hint #1: The best number would be zero

Lindsey said...

You poor need to pop a Benadryl and go back to bed!

Agnes said...

LOL Linny. Benadryl would put me out for a week...which actually sounds nice right about now.

Agnes said...

Hint #2: I had 3 between 1 and 2a.m. last night.