Saturday, November 26, 2005

11-26-2005 Mickey

My heart is broken.
My dear, gentle, 15yr old cat has vanished. He went outside at 6:30a.m. this morning, as is our dialy routine, and he just never returned. I've been looking for him since 8:00a.m. I've walked miles calling his name, shaking bags of food. It isn't like him to stay gone more than an hour, and never that long in the morning. He hadn't even finished his breakfast.

I've lost my very best friend. My baby.
When he was a kitten I promised him I would love him every day of his life....and of mine.
I have nursed him back from the brink of death so many times. I have watched every morsel he has eaten and suffered his pains with him.
I hope, wherever he is, he is not in pain now.

I just wish he would come home. I know he would if he could.

I will spend this night staring out the window of the back door...praying...begging...crying.
I love you baby. Come home to me.


Agnes said...

Thanks Trace. Me too. (((((hugs)))) because I sure do need hugs. Thanks for being here for me and for hoping and praying right along with me.

Trée said...

Aggie, perhaps he found a lady friend for the night and wants a bit of space. I know if I had you all alone for a night I wouldn't want mother hen nosing in on my business. Let's hope the morning brings a tired kitty to your door. Thoughts and prayers my dear.

Agnes said...

Thanks Trée for your kind thoughts and prayers. I really need them now.

Unfortunately, my cat doesn't know the difference between male and female...since he is basically neither himself. He's been fixed since 6 months old.

I'm praying for morning and his beautiful voice in my ear.

Christa said...

Oh no....I do hope he's coming back, Agnes :hugs: Cats can walk away like that even if they never done it before and then show up as if nothing happened. Please let us all know how this turns out :hugs:

Autumn Storm said...


Agnes said...

No change. No cat.
Going to make flyers.

Love to you all.

Autumn Storm said...

Keeping my fingers crossed, x

Christa said...

I'm still hoping that he'll be back :hugs:

Stargazer said...

I sincerely hope your beloved kitty finds his way back home to you. My thoughts are with you.

Trée said...

Aggie, I'm around if you need me. I've made a sign for my door. "Don't disturb, I'm with Aggie."