Wednesday, November 09, 2005

"In the hour of adversity be not without hope For crystal rain falls from black clouds"

"Once I had the strength but no wisdom, now I have the wisdom but no strength"

"A stone thrown at the right time is better than gold given at the wrong time"
Persian Proverbs


Becky L said...

sorry its been so long since i've commented-- life's been so busy!

i like the quote about wisdom and strength. it seems to me that most times i do have one or the other, but not both at the same time.


Autumn Storm said...

Interesting proverbs esp. the last one, have not heard them before.
Beautiful swirly fractal. If yourself and Trée keep this standard up, I shall have to sign up for some sort of art appreciation class to learn more art appreciating vocab ;-)

tsduff said...

What a beautiful picture. Nice proverbs to match.

Christa said...

The second quote says a lot about aging and how time sometimes tend to fool us.

And as always...a great fractal :D

Agnes said...

Becky? Busy? Not with a baby around. No way! Ooooodles of time on your hands! ;)

Thanks Autumn. The last one, though poiniant, I'm not really buying into right now. Is there a wrong time for gold?
I'm actually hoping for that crystal rain. I've got me some little grey clouds to rain from.

Terry and Christa, thanks on the fractal. Actually, I've had a very difficult time fractalling lately. Can't seem to settle on anything. I figured crazy-swirly was just as good as anything else.

Christa and Trace, the second quote...pretty much covers it.
There are days I wish I was dumb and invincible again.
But that would be a sign of youth and I am realizing that I don't get to be young anymore.
Time does fool us.

Agnes said...



with my fractalizations?


(fractal...such a great word to mess with. LOL)

Autumn Storm said...

ooh, you might be onto something there...


Lindsey said...

That's so puurdy!

Agnes said...

LMAO Linny. Thankee. Thankee vermuch. ;)~

Agnes said...


Trée said...

Beautiful job Aggie. Looks like me folding into you. I see kinda a spoon action going on here. Is it halftime yet? :-)

Agnes said...

Ooooo...I like that spoon idea. Great description.

Halftime? No...end of first period. Whoever's team is winning gets to lead. Woohoo.