Friday, November 04, 2005


Sometimes I hear his voice inside my head. It is full of confusion, pain and fear.
Everything about my heart is broken.


Agnes said...

I saw a shooting star cross the sky last night. Big as daylight, like it was my very own shooting star.
I wished harder than I have ever wished in my whole life.

I hope it wasn't just space junk.

Autumn Storm said...

Fantastic fractal - just beautiful and much more so for the words. Hugs, Agnes, x

Becky L said...

when i see shooting stars, i stop and wish, wish, wish, wish, wish...

i hope that what i wish comes true...

Trée said...



tsduff said...

It was a star. And I hope your wish comes true. Your art is quite moving.

Christa said...

Great fractal and never stop hoping that wishes can come true. They do sometimes you know. All you have to do is believe in it :hugs:

Agnes said...

Thanks all for compliments and encouragement about that star. We're all just hoping for a miracle. Maybe we'll get one.

Trée, I suspect you are listening louder than anyone. I thank you for it but I sincerely hope I'm not stirring up old sadness for you too. One of us is quite enough.

There is so very very much I don't understand. So much waiting without answers. So much struggling and suffering and worry. Moments of panic even.
And money....they chop down that money tree and expect you to have another one growing in your garden. But what if the garden is all dried up?

No heroes so far. Aren't there supposed to be heroes?

Trée said...

Aggie, the silt at the bottom of my jar is lying still, no worries there my friend.

Trée said...

Aggie, come visit. I've got a little something just for you my dear sweet child. I hope you like it. Peace. (Nicht eine Wella)