Wow, what a nutso, busy day. I've been to work, to the bank, to McDonalds, back home, dropped the hubby at the airport, Blockbuster (5 movies yahoo), grocery store and finally home again.
I'm fairly certain I will be napping soon.
For all of you well-wishers, the latest theory is that my father will require a stint because of a blood clot in his leg. They have not yet proven the blood clot, so it's still a theory. We're all pretty bored of theories. Oh well. Another day.
Tonight is my first night of peace and quiet. Oh how I shall revel in it. Mmmmmm.
I miss you my dear hubby and I hope you have fun, but a little "me time" is just what the doctor ordered.
I promise, promise, promise to catch up on all of my delinquent blog surfing, so if you haven't seen me on your site, please know I'm thinking of you and hoping you're doing well.
Great big hugs and happy Turkey Day if you're travelling.
Well, if you're going to have a single Thanksgiving, you might as well do it right! The movies sound great. (No smoking in the bedroom theater, right?)
Wishing your dad rest and healing. Happy -YOU- time.
It's good that you have a smokefree enviroment....man, I bet I screwed that spelling up...haha....anyways, I hope you'll have a great Thanksgiving too :hugs:
Theories...theories...feels a bit like becoming Nancy Drew 'eh?
Have a lovely time w/ your peace and quiet.
Tracey, I hope you're right about the stint. They say though, that if they have to put in a stint he can't have any other treatment for another 4 weeks. Sigh.
Yes, a smokefree environment for 6 days. That should get me through the worst of it. And Christa, there are no spelling mistakes in blogland. Fer cryin out loud, you speak something like 4 languages. You can't be expected to spell them all too. LOL ;) (I can hardly spell in the one language I know.)
Linny, Nancy Drew. Hmmmm. She always figured it out in the end, right? I think I like that. :)
Terry - 5 movies. LOTS of blatant sitting on my bum. No smoking and no munching either. Not easy.
I watched "Shall We Dance?" last night. Cute. Not great but cute.
Kathy?!! Vegas for the holiday! That's doing it up right! Have a safe trip and a wonderful time.
Much love and hugs to all of you.
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