Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I said "It's going to be a good day!" DAMMIT!

Today hasn't turned out so sparkly and happy so far.

I got a speeding ticket on the way to work this morning.
YES I was speeding but really! I haven't had a speeding ticket in 20yrs and I was speeding all that time. Why now?? (Wouldn't that always be the case anyway?)

And then I got to work and realized I would have to go it alone all day. Of course, it couldn't be a light or easy day either. Nothing but insane people with insane requests all day long!
You think I'm kidding? I got a call from a guy with "Starchaser" who is looking for a company to make salsa that they can market their rocket ships with. He even said "yours could be the first salsa in space."(Oh he was perfectly nice about it and I do love space exploration so we did chat for a while.)

I feel like I should be careful to step over cracks in the sidewalk. What am I going to do when I get home?! I have TWO black cats. How will they not cross my path??

Forget it!! I'll throw caution to the wind. Tonight I'm going to go out to eat with the hubby. I might choke on a chicken bone but I'm gonna live life on the edge! I might even buy a lottery ticket. YES! I LAUGH IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY! I MOCK you Murphy's Law!
Good gawd! Would somebody drug me before I hurt myself.


Christa said...

*Hands Agnes a couple of Valium*...Geez, missy...what side of the bed did you wake up on this morning?
Sounds like you fell out of it too.

Try to enjoy dinner tonight and DON'T choke!!! If you do I don't have anyone to discuss art with anymore :(

I'll send you some happy thoughts along with the Valium :hugs: Hope your day improve :)

Abigail S. said...

Salsa on a space ship? ... Why not, right?! It's no bag of peanuts like you get on normal plane trips. Salsa would spice things up a bit!

tsduff said...

Well, the bummer is the speeding ticket. A few days ago I was just thinking about my own long length of space between speeding tickets - and then I wondered if just thinking about it would jinx me. Guess I better slow down, eh? The rest of the stuff that happened today is just nada - blow it off. Hope you had a fabulous dinner out with your honey. The time to live is now.

Trée said...

Kilroy was here. 1944. Don't mind me, I'm still half out of my mind. See what you've done to me with that silly song. And I think of you every time I hear it too. Come to my place. I've got "Serenity" on tap. Will that be one pint or two?

Agnes said...

*pops those valium* Thank you Christa, I knew I could count on you. :)
I actually awoke on the happy side of the bed. That cop, he didn't so much.

So you all know, I did not order the chicken and I survived dinner. Whew. That was close though. LOL

Abigail - can you believe? Salsa in zero gravity. Yikes, what a mess. LOL And I love salsa but I'm not willing to work that hard just to get it on the chip.

Terry - you are spot on. The day was working out fine until I got that ticket (which was way too early in the day). Not that I didn't deserve it. I was cheating and I got caught. I just hate it when strangers point out my faults. (lead foot)
I was thinking the very same thing just the other day so I'm going to say I did jinx it and you oughta slow down. ;)

Trée! I am all about the serenity. I'll have a pitcher please. And 6 glasses. I hate to drink alone.

TOMORROW will be a better day.
Oh crap, there is no tomorrow. Only now. Ok. Now is better than earlier. That'll do fine.

Autumn Storm said...

1. Teach hubby heimlich manouver (sp.chk), that way one less thing to worry about ;-).
2. With your luck, it will be another 20 years before you get a ticket ;-)

Good Morning!, when you wake :-)

Lindsey said...

Lol.You poor thing! I can't believe dude gave you a ticket! Maybe he was just having a bad day too and was feeling nasty.

That's it...I'm shipping over happy pills to Texas. I'll overnight them to put you outof your misery. :0)

Agnes said...

Autumn, hubby promises to dial 1-1-9 if I choke on chicken. (Trée, no tacky jokes there! hah!)
Gawd I hope it's another 20 yrs.

Linny, let's send a bucket o' the happy pills to that cop.

That stinking ticket kept me awake most of the night and dear old hubby is now chiding me like a child about my driving habits.
I so desperately want to go back to Officer Diego and say "Do you have any idea how bad your timing is?"
Sigh. He was actually very polite and professional and even fairly handsome. Too bad he had a sucky job to do.
I really should have just broken down into weepy tears and just unloaded on him like he was a cheap therapist. THEN he would have gotten a good idea about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.